Rodolfo y el Coyote. Week 2 Story

El Cerro del Muerto, Aguascalientes, Mexico. Image from: El gallo canto, signaling the beginning of a new day. It was a chilly, yet refreshing, Thursday morning. Rodolfo rubbed his eyes, yawned, and got out of bed. Empezó el dia con his daily chores by milking and feeding his vacas. While he was milking the fifth vaca, noto el cadáver de una cabra al otro lado de su cerca de alambre. He went to investigate. It looked like the work of coyote, but something didn’t look right. Rodolfo had never seen this goat before, and he didn’t know anyone else that raised goats besides himself within a 5 kilometer radius. Decidió seguir el rastro de sangre para averiguar de donde vino la cabra. The path led him into el cerro del muerto and five kilometers up the mountain. Ahí, encontró una chabola vieja and inside there was an old man crying. “Usted quien es?” Pregunto el viejo with tears in his eyes. “Soy Rodolfo Guadalupe Ruiz Ramos, my...