Idaho, USA

I was born in Sun Valley, Idaho and spent my first year of life there. After that my parents moved to south OKC where I was raised. I still have a lot of family in Idaho and we go back to visit every so often. This is one of the photos I took over there by my grandmas house back in 2015.


  1. Oh, how great that you have an excuse to keep visiting Idaho, Jose... and all that snow sure looks good in the hot days of August. There are so many great Native American storytelling traditions in that part of the country; maybe you will use this class to learn something about those Idaho peoples and stories. You would already know the landscapes that go with the stories! :-)

  2. Hi Jose,

    I like your picture. Idaho looks very pretty in the winter. I don't believe I've met someone from Idaho before so I don't know much about it. All I know is that they have really good potatoes and I'll never forget when Boise State beat OU in that bowl game. That statue of liberty play is ingrained in my memory forever.


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