Week 13 reading notes A Celtic Fairy Tales
The raspberries the brothers were picking.
Today’s reading were pretty fun. I’m sure they kid stories but they were pretty cool. The two I liked the best was the one about the brothers and the one that was like Snow White. The one about the two brothers was fun because of how it just keeps building and building on top of each other. It seems like a really easy way to make a long story. The other one was also sort of like that because each time she tried to kill her daughter something else happened. I was really confused as to why she wanted to eat the daughters liver though. I get that she wanted to kill her so I’m sure ripping her heart out would do the trick but then to eat her daughters heart and liver is to much. Why did she wanna kill her daughter to being with like its her kid and she’s jealous of her for being prettier. Makes no sense to me man.
Bibliography: Celtic Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs, with illustrations by John D. Batten (1892).
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