Week 8 comments and feedback
I thought this image was cute and accurate. Image from: http://builder.cheezburger.com/Builder#step2_8504778240,https://i.chzbgr.com/imagestore/2015/6/4/3d480738-5c66-498f-b673-dc5da194a5be.jpg
Feeback in
The feedback I have been receiving is pretty spread out. I've seen some posts where people comment on grammar, plot, or word choice. Some of them are really really good, and they provide me with ideas for future stories or help me fix the current ones. The ones I find most useful have to be the ones dealing with grammar. I'm not a writer, and I never have been, so my grammar is not the best and it may make my writing messy or hard to understand. The feedback that helps correct my grammar helps me avoid confusing paragraphs.
Feedback out
I'd have to admit that the feedback I leave isn't as good as the ones I receive. If there's part in the story where I get confused I'll let the writer know, but other than that all I really do is compliment the parts that I liked a lot. I prefer the WWW strategy because it makes me think of wonder and what if, otherwise I would just leave wow's. Some of the stories I've read are pretty good, but I don't take elements from theirs to add to mine. I strive to be as original as I can be in order to force myself to think more creatively.
Blog comments
I'm not really the kind of person that interacts a lot through social media or the internet so it takes a lot more for me to feel like I'm getting to know someone than just read their intro or comments. I'm happy with my intro, I think it highlights more of the important stuff that I'm more proud of.
Looking forward
I think the feedback assignments are really helpful for me because I need all the help I can get. Like I said earlier some of the comments I receive allow me to get a sense of what people are easily understanding or aren't. That helps me avoid making those mistakes in future stories. In order for me to make my comments more helpful for others I think I'll just need to find ways to think more critically?
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