EC reading - Crash course videos - monsters, horses, and dragons.

The Wendigo For my last assignment, I chose to watch the last set of crash course videos on the list. I really enjoyed watching these videos throughout the semester and wanted to finish it off with them. This set of videos was really neat. The guy went kinda philosophical when he started talking about what it means to be a monster. I was really shook with the Wendigo story. I had heard of them before but didn't know much about them. Learning how they come to existence from humans was pretty creepy and I think it was the best example at representing how monsters are like just humans personified as evil creatures based on their deeds or nature. I also really enjoyed the dragon video. I like how it talked about the differences between eastern and western cultures in regards to how they view dragons. I had gotten a sense for the differences growing up and watching cartoons. All the Asian based cartoons like Dragon Ball Z and Avatar the Last Airbender (if you consider it Asian-b...